
1. 摘要


2. 前提

2.1. 环境要求

3. 应用需求


  • 能够在区块链上发行积分

  • 能够实现不同账户间的积分转移

  • 可以查询账户的积分余额

4. 设计

4.1. 合约设计


  • 接口设计


function init();

function transfer(to, value);

function balanceOf(address)
  • 合约示例代码
'use strict';

const CONTRACT_PRE = 'contract_info';
const ATP_PROTOCOL = 'BRC20';

* 转移接口:交易发起人往 to 账户转移 value 数量的积分
* @to:转入账户
* @value:转入数量
function transfer(to, value){
Utils.assert(Utils.addressCheck(to) === true, 'Arg-to is not a valid address.');
Utils.assert(Utils.stoI64Check(value) === true, 'Arg-value must be alphanumeric.');
Utils.assert(Utils.int64Compare(value, '0') > 0, 'Arg-value must be greater than 0.');
Utils.assert(Chain.msg.sender !== to, 'From cannot equal to address.');

let senderValue = Chain.load(Chain.msg.sender);
Utils.assert(senderValue !== false, 'Failed to get the balance of ' + Chain.msg.sender + ' from metadata.');
Utils.assert(Utils.int64Compare(senderValue, value) >= 0, 'Balance:' + senderValue + ' of sender:' + Chain.msg.sender + ' < transfer value:' + value + '.');

let toValue = Chain.load(to);
toValue = (toValue === false) ? value : Utils.int64Add(toValue, value);
Chain.store(to, toValue);

senderValue = Utils.int64Sub(senderValue, value);
Chain.store(Chain.msg.sender, senderValue);

Chain.tlog('Transfer', Chain.msg.sender, to, value);

return true;

* 查询余额接口:查询账户 address 的积分余额
* @address:目标地址
function balanceOf(address){
Utils.assert(Utils.addressCheck(address) === true, 'Arg-address is not a valid address.');
let value = Chain.load(address);
return value === false ? "0" : value;

function init(input_str){
let paramObj = JSON.parse(input_str).params;
Utils.assert(paramObj.name !== undefined && paramObj.name.length > 0, 'Param obj has no name.');
Utils.assert(paramObj.symbol !== undefined && paramObj.symbol.length > 0, 'Param obj has no symbol.');
Utils.assert(paramObj.describe !== undefined && paramObj.describe.length > 0, 'Param obj has no describe.');
Utils.assert(paramObj.decimals !== undefined && Utils.int64Compare(paramObj.decimals, '0') >= 0, 'Param obj decimals error.');
Utils.assert(paramObj.version !== undefined && paramObj.version.length > 0, 'Param obj has no version.');
Utils.assert(paramObj.supply !== undefined && Utils.int64Compare(paramObj.supply, '0') >= 0, 'Param obj supply error.');
Utils.assert(paramObj.protocol !== undefined && paramObj.protocol.length > 0 && paramObj.protocol.toLowerCase() === ATP_PROTOCOL, 'Param obj protocol must be atp20.');

Chain.store(CONTRACT_PRE, JSON.stringify(paramObj));
Chain.store(Chain.msg.sender, paramObj.supply);

Chain.tlog('Transfer', "0x", Chain.msg.sender, paramObj.supply);

function main(input_str){
let input = JSON.parse(input_str);

if(input.method === 'transfer'){
transfer(input.params.to, input.params.value);
throw '<Main interface passes an invalid operation type>';

function query(input_str){
let result = {};
let input = JSON.parse(input_str);

if(input.method === 'contractInfo'){
result = JSON.parse(Chain.load(CONTRACT_PRE));
else if(input.method === 'balanceOf'){
result.balance = balanceOf(input.params.address);
throw '<Query interface passes an invalid operation type>';
return JSON.stringify(result);

4.2. 应用流程设计

通过Java SDK实现与底层链的交互, 完成积分发行,积分转移、积分查询业务


5. 应用开发


  • 创建区块链账户
  • 部署合约并初始化积分
  • 积分转移
  • 查询积分余额


先引入Java SDK 在pom文件加入依赖:



String url = "https://seed1-node.bubi.cn";//可以替换成自己部署好的链地址
SDK sdk = SDK.getInstance(url);

5.1. 创建区块链账户


public void createAccount() {
AccountCreateResponse response = sdk.getAccountService().create();
if (response.getErrorCode() != 0) {
throw new RuntimeException(response.getErrorDesc());
AccountCreateResult accountInfo = response.getResult();
String address = accountInfo.getAddress();
String publicKey = accountInfo.getPublicKey();
String privateKey = accountInfo.getPrivateKey();
System.out.println("address:"+ address);
System.out.println("publicKey:"+ publicKey);
System.out.println("privateKey:"+ privateKey);
//交易发起人 链上存在的账户且有燃料, 注意自己部署的链 如果没有已存在的账户,需要使用链的创世账户来操作
String txSender = ExampleData.ACCOUNT_ADDRESS;
String txSenderPrivateKey = ExampleData.ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY;
Long initBalance = ToBaseUnit.ToUGas("0.2");
Long feeLimit = ToBaseUnit.ToUGas("0.01");
// 获取交易发起人发起人的nonce
long nonce = ContractHelper.getAccountNonce(txSender);
BaseOperation[] operations = TxHelper.buildCreateAccOperations( txSender,address, initBalance);
String transactionBlob = TxHelper.buildTransactionBlob(txSender,nonce,feeLimit,operations);
Signature[] signatures = TxHelper.signTransaction(txSenderPrivateKey, transactionBlob);

System.out.println("signData: " + signatures[0].getSignData());
System.out.println("publicKey: " + signatures[0].getPublicKey());
String hash = TxHelper.submitTransaction(transactionBlob, signatures);
System.out.println("hash: " + hash);
// 模拟延迟
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// 查询交易结果
int status = TxHelper.checkTransactionStatus(hash);
System.out.println("status: " + status);

5.2. 部署合约并初始化积分


public void deployContract() {
// 账户部署合约所用的私钥
String creatorPrivateKey = ExampleData.ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY;

// 部署BRC20 token的账户地址
String creatorContractAddress = ExampleData.ACCOUNT_ADDRESS;
// 合约初始化的Gas,单位UGas,1Gas = 10^8 UGas
Long initBalance = ToBaseUnit.ToUGas("0.1");
// token 名称
String name = "Global";
// token 代码
String symbol = "GLA";
// token 总供应量,包含小数位
// 发行10亿个token,小数位为2,则需要1000000000 * 10^2
String totalSupply = "100000000000";
// 积分的小数位
Integer decimals = 2;
String version = "1.0";
// 合约源代码
String payload = ExampleData.CONTRACT_BRC20_CODE;

// Init initInput
JSONObject initInput = new JSONObject();
JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
params.put("name", name);
params.put("symbol", symbol);
params.put("decimals", decimals);
params.put("version", version);
params.put("supply", totalSupply);
initInput.put("params", params);

String metadata = "deploy BRC20 contracts";
// 获取合约发行方账户的nonce
long nonce = ContractHelper.getAccountNonce(creatorContractAddress);
BaseOperation[] operations = ContractHelper.buildCreateContractOperations(creatorContractAddress, payload, initInput.toJSONString(), initBalance, metadata);
// 发行积分方账户地址
String senderAddress = ExampleData.ACCOUNT_ADDRESS;
// 设置最大花费10.1Gas,单位UGas
Long feeLimit = ToBaseUnit.ToUGas("10.1");

String transactionBlob = ContractHelper.buildTransactionBlob(senderAddress,nonce, feeLimit, operations);
Signature[] signatures = ContractHelper.signTransaction(creatorPrivateKey, transactionBlob);
System.out.println("signData: " + signatures[0].getSignData());
System.out.println("publicKey: " + signatures[0].getPublicKey());
String hash = ContractHelper.submitTransaction(transactionBlob, signatures);
System.out.println("hash: " + hash);

// 模拟延迟
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

int status = TxHelper.checkTransactionStatus(hash);
System.out.println("status: " + status);

// 获取合约地址, 需要做延迟处理,才可以获取到合约地址
System.out.println("contractAddress: " + ContractHelper.getContractAddress(hash));

5.3. 积分转移


public void transfer() {
// 交易发起人地址 根据业务可以使用不同的账户地址
String invokerAddress = ExampleData.ACCOUNT_ADDRESS;
// 交易发起人私钥
String invokePrivateKey = ExampleData.ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY;
// 合约地址5.2返回的合约地址
String contractAddress = ExampleData.CONTRACT_ADDRESS;
// 接收方账户地址
String destAddress = ExampleData.RECEIVER_ADDRESS;
// 给合约账户的燃料,本合约可以为0
long amount = 0L;
// 交易的燃料手续费用
Long feeLimit = ToBaseUnit.ToUGas("0.01");
// 给目标账户转的积分数量(需要根据发行的时候的精度进行计算,合约里面都是使用整数)
long toAmount = 100L;
// 组装调用合约的方法
JSONObject input = new JSONObject();
JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
params.put("to", destAddress);
params.put("value", toAmount+"");
input.put("params", params);
input.put("method", "transfer");
String inputMethod = input.toJSONString();
// 获取交易发起人发起人的nonce
Long nonce = TxHelper.getAccountNonce(invokerAddress);
// 组装调用合约的操作
BaseOperation[] operations = ContractHelper.buildInvokeContractOperations(invokerAddress, contractAddress, amount, inputMethod);
// 对交易操作进行序列化
String transactionBlob = TxHelper.buildTransactionBlob(invokerAddress,nonce, feeLimit, operations);
// 对交易blob进行签名
Signature[] signatures = TxHelper.signTransaction(invokePrivateKey, transactionBlob);
String txHash = TxHelper.submitTransaction(transactionBlob, signatures);
System.out.println("txHash: " + txHash);
// 模拟延迟
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// 查询交易结果
int status = TxHelper.checkTransactionStatus(txHash);
System.out.println("status: " + status);


5.4. 积分查询


public void transfer() {
// 交易发起人地址 根据业务可以使用不同的账户地址
String invokerAddress = ExampleData.ACCOUNT_ADDRESS;
// 交易发起人私钥
String invokePrivateKey = ExampleData.ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY;
// 合约地址5.2返回的合约地址
String contractAddress = ExampleData.CONTRACT_ADDRESS;
// 接收方账户地址
String destAddress = ExampleData.RECEIVER_ADDRESS;
// 给合约账户的燃料,本合约可以为0
long amount = 0L;
// 交易的燃料手续费用
Long feeLimit = ToBaseUnit.ToUGas("0.01");
// 给目标账户转的积分数量(需要根据发行的时候的精度进行计算,合约里面都是使用整数)
long toAmount = 100L;
// 组装调用合约的方法
JSONObject input = new JSONObject();
JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
params.put("to", destAddress);
params.put("value", toAmount+"");
input.put("params", params);
input.put("method", "transfer");
String inputMethod = input.toJSONString();
// 获取交易发起人发起人的nonce
Long nonce = TxHelper.getAccountNonce(invokerAddress);
// 组装调用合约的操作
BaseOperation[] operations = ContractHelper.buildInvokeContractOperations(invokerAddress, contractAddress, amount, inputMethod);
// 对交易操作进行序列化
String transactionBlob = TxHelper.buildTransactionBlob(invokerAddress,nonce, feeLimit, operations);
// 对交易blob进行签名
Signature[] signatures = TxHelper.signTransaction(invokePrivateKey, transactionBlob);
String txHash = TxHelper.submitTransaction(transactionBlob, signatures);
System.out.println("txHash: " + txHash);
// 模拟延迟
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// 查询交易结果
int status = TxHelper.checkTransactionStatus(txHash);
System.out.println("status: " + status);



6. 总结
